About Us
Providing services since 2020 (COVID19)
We offer fully managed BigBlueButton hosting plans and professional services for BigBlueButton installation, full rebranding, customisation, upgradation, maintenance
for self-hosted infrastructure.

Our Story with BigBlueButton
We used to provide offline trainings & workshops in college campus or sorroundings. Once pandemic hit us, we tried to somehow manage our classes online. It was a tough time, neither Zoom or Google Meet was affordable for small businesses.
We found BigBlueButton, invested lot of time, got things working & helped other businesses, individuals with our experience & expertise.
Eventually it lead us to provide this as a managed service & help others to save their time & efforts.
Now we have clients accross the world from all geographical regions..
Our Journey as a BigBlueButton Service Provider
Now are continously trying to improve things for our clients. But it's interesting how we started !
We jumped into BigBlueButton for our classes
- August 2020
We needed some Virtual Classroom solution within our control to oranize our remote training sessions.
We launced Bymond Classroom with BigBlueButton
- October 2020
Along with our own traing sessions, we provided access to few known Private Tutors who used to conduct offline tution classes earlier.
And Google Meet or Zoom wasn't available back than during the initial COVID19 phase & Lock-down.
Started offering Freelancing service on Marketplaces
- March 2021
Helped 60+ Freelancing clients across world with BigBlueButton , installation & deployment.
Launched our Managed Hosting Service
- August 2021
We had a team & a registered Business, decent no of overseas clients, we already had acquired skills.
So we bridged the gap & started offering our Managed BigBlueButton hosting service.
We continued solving our clients problems
- October 2021
We continued solving clients problems & improving our skills & offerings.
This helped us to grow & adapt with the market.
Finally we switched our Primary Business model from Traing Provider to IT Service
Helping our clients to focus on growth.
- March 2022
Now we take care of the BigBlueButton infrastructure of our clients, so they can focus on the core business & growth.
We are invested into solving problems for our enterprise & business clients.
Finally Why Choose Us?
You simply can't find a better option, we are bringing the best of
self-hosted infrastructure & seamless experience of managed hosting.
Dedicated Infrastructure
We allocate dedicated Infrastructure for every customer exactly as self-hosted Infrastructure.
Advance Configurations
We can apply all possible configurations those are technically possible and suitable for your use case.
Exceptional Support
We offer exceptional customer support via Email, Chat and Calls, so you reach out when you need us.
Included TURN / STUN
So users can still join the sessions from behind the Firewall or VPN networks without any audio issue.
ZERO Bandwidth Cost
We don't charge extra for Data Transfer like AWS, Micosoft Azure, Google Cloud etc.
Free Upgrade & Migrations
We perform Upgrades & Migrations as required without any Extra Charges or Data Loss.
Few of Our Clients